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Friday, September 26, 2008

Don't Stop The Music

One of my favourite bands, The Killers, has a new song, 'Human.'
The 1st single from their album 'Day & Age', out end of November.

They have released 3 wonderful albums:
1. Hot Fuss
2. Sam's Town
2. Sawdust

I prefer the "look" of 'Hot Fuss' to 'Sam's Town.'
In regards to the music itself, I am unsure.
I wonder what the look & photography of their new album shall be.

Yes, the lead singer, Brandon Flowers is gorgeous : )
One of my top Favourite Men.

Hot Fuss (2004)

Sam's Town (2006)

Which do you prefer???

Hot Fuss, Sam's Town or Sawdust???



Ruby Hoppen said...

I have Sam's Town on record and it's great! Yeah I really like the killers, although have you noticed that the siger always takes really sharp breaths?? hahha it's just funny when you notice it, you can't forget it!!!

fred said...

I really love the killers.

Danz said...

Sorry, I'm not much of a killers fan so I can't say. Take care and have a great day tomorrow :)

Sydney said...

oh, the killers.

i love brandon flowers.

so difficult...

but i'm reallyinto 'Read My Mind' at the moment, and have to go with Sam's Town.

M said...

emm... i love the killers and love brandon, so i love ALL their albums, including sawdust (incredible). love love love. girl i liked your blog. killers rock

we wear things said...

ooh i love the killers too! new album in november!!

and sam's town for me!

Anonymous said...

I actually lost the ring when I took it off at dance. It's probably lost somewhere in the locker room, or at the bottom of my dance bag, even though I've checked both places.

Anonymous said...

I haven't listened to the Killers in the longest time. I actually like the 'idea' of Sam's town better than Hot Fuss, but I don't think they pulled it off very well.

Anonymous said...

i love the killers!!!!!

..... said...

yeah that band rock !!! love them

Cate said...

The Killers are so cool! I only know single songs by them though, not the entire albums.

Allie said...

i agree girl. eBay all the way!
thank you for the comment :)

lara said...

I love their new song :) and I can't say who I prefer, I love them all :)

Shoshi said...

I prefer sam's town to hot fuss but i haven't heard anything from sawdust yet. xx

Wendiva said...

ooh i love the killers!! i met brandon years ago at VMA, we were next to each other on the carpet, he's hot in person too, u wouldn't be disappointed :) always nice to know another killers fan out there!

Siru said...

Not gonna say now anything about the music. But they did have better trousers before.

juliet xxx

fred said...

Oh.thank U very much!
You can change it.
I love "read my mind".

Songy said...

Hands down, Hot Fuss!!! Go the Killers.


Anonymous said...

Hot fuss. It even has the best name! (in my opinion : P)


p.s. would you like to swap links? I hope you don't mind if I just add you anyway. I really like how your blog has male and female fashion! :)